Bolivian president seeks votes in the bedroom

Bolivian president seeks votes in the bedroom

Bolivian president seeks votes in the bedroom
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LA PAZ, BOLIVIA — As night falls and Bolivian couples slip between the sheets, pillow talk turns, naturally, to economic policy.

At least that's the way President Evo Morales sees it.

The Bolivian leader is running for re-election and he urged followers on Sunday to spread the word about his policies so that Bolivian couples can decide who to vote for before drifting off to sleep.

"The couple decides its vote in bed, and before it decides it in bed, we have to reach those people, explaining our program," he said.

Morales said voters need to know that his socialist movement "is the only one that guarantees economic and political stability."

Morales holds a strong lead in polls ahead of the October vote.

via : fresnobee

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