One Florida mother's Facebook status didn't go over so well with her son's preschool.
Mother Ashley Habat recently complained on Facebook after the Sonshine Christian Academy didn't give enough notice about picture day. Even though Habat said her Facebook post was private, she still tagged the school, and the next day she was reportedly told by school administrators that the school would not be a good fit for her son, according to Jacksonville, Florida outlet WJXT-TV.
In the post in question, Habat asked: “Why is it that every single day there is something new I dislike about Will's School? Are my standards really too high or are people working in the education field really just that ignorant.”
A letter of dismissal given to Habat from the school said her “relationship with Sonshine did not get off to a very good start the first day of school," stating that she "utilized social media to call into question not only the integrity but the intelligence of our staff. ... These actions are also consistent with sowing discord, which is spoken of in the handbook you signed."
The incident has drawn responses on both ends of the specturm. On Mommyish, Maria Guido asserted that Habat should not have tagged the school in her post.“Sorry you have to find a new preschool, but this is really your own fault,” she wrote.
On TheStir, Lisa Fogarty said she hopes the school forgives and forgets.
“I feel awful for her little boy -- it's terrible to rip him away from his friends and teacher because of a dumb thing his mother wrote on Facebook,” Fogarty wrote, adding, “And I wish the school, particularly because I assume it believes in Christian values -- one of which is forgiveness -- would have at least given Habat a warning before taking such an extreme measure.”
On its website, Sonshine Christian Academy describes itself as “a thriving, Christ-Centered Academy providing academic excellence through the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, equipping each student to make an impact in our community and the world."
[The Huffington Post News]