Chinese city launches lane for cell phone addicts.

Chinese city launches Walking lanes for cell phone Obsessed People.

Chinese city launches lane for cell phone addicts.
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As cell phones become part of daily lives for many people, there are those unable to put them aside when doing other duties that require equal or more concentration such as driving or walking.

To avert accidents and disturbances attributed to mobile phone usage authorities in many parts of the world have banned using phones while driving or walking. However, a Chinese city has done the opposite by designating sidewalks for those who feel they have to use their phones while walking.

The city of Chongqing unveiled a special lane but cautioned users that they would be responsible for any eventuality of using phone while walking “ Cell phones, walk in this lane at your own risk” reads a signage on the ground and signboard written in Chinese and English.

An adjacent lane for those not using phones while walking is also provided “No cell phones.” The city authority’s decision has been met with mixed reaction; some lauding it while others say it will encourage a risky behavior noting that the “ Cell phones lane” is closer to another used by vehicles.

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