Ugandan CEOs to discuss Future of Brand Communications

CEOs to benefit from discussion on leveraging brands for business growth

Ugandan CEOs to discuss Future of Brand Communications
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Burson-Marsteller, Africa’s leading public relations and strategic communications network, in partnership with brainchild Burson-Marsteller, a specialised Public Relations agency in Uganda, will host Chief Executive Officers in Kampala, to an exclusive session where they will discuss their brands in relation to business growth and sustainability.  

The keynote speaker at the conference will be Robyn de Villiers, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, of Burson-Marsteller Africa, who will speak to participating CEOs about the future of brand communications and how to make Ugandan brands more attractive to customers. The conference will take place at the Kampala Serena Hotel, on August 26, 2016. 

“A brand is not only the face of any business or product but manifests at every touch point between a customer and the business. Given the increase in competition amidst tough economic conditions, it’s important that business leaders ask the right questions of their marketing teams so as to chart pathways to make their brands distinctive and attractive to customers,” said Mr Caleb Owino, Managing Director, fireworks Advertising which operates a group of business units that specialise in brand strategy, public relations, digital, media and advertising.  

Mrs Robyn de Villiers, commented; “This conference is timely because of the increasing role of CEOs in bridging the gap between brand building, reputation management and business performance. Successful CEOs have mastered the art of leveraging brands to strengthen their financials. I look forward to engaging Ugandan CEOs in Kampala and sharing insights and perspectives on brand building in our changing future.” 

The conference will be attended by CEOs from industries including; telecommunications, banking, oil and gas, insurance, media, agriculture, manufacturing, beverages and alcohol. 

Robyn is delivering a presentation on the same topic to 200 CEOs and Chief Marketing and Communications Officers at the Annual Sunday Times Top Brands Conference in Johannesburg, South Africa on August 23, 2016. She recently received the SABRE Award for Outstanding Individual Achievement for her contribution to the global PR industry. SABRE Awards is the world’s mostly highly regarded PR awards programme, running across six continents.  

Burson-Marsteller is one of the most admired public relations firms in the world according to The Influence 100 2016, an annual compilation of the most influential in-house communicators around the world by the Holmes Report.  

Key Points

Robyn de Villiers, Chairman and CEO – Burson-Marsteller, Africa 

Robyn is the founder and CEO of Burson-Marsteller, Africa. Over the years Robyn’s experience has included communications strategy development, issues and reputation management, crisis, communications, media relations, employee communications, public affairs and investor, relations across a range of sectors. ? Robyn also heads the Burson-Marsteller Africa Training Academy which she founded 18+ years ago.

She trains on all topics related to effective communications, including media handling, crisis management and communications, communications strategy development, message development, personal branding and public affairs.  Among the clients for whom she has facilitated training, are Carnegie Corporation of New York, Barclays Africa and Middle East, Safaricom, Nestle East Africa, Sasol Gas, Pfizer, BHP-Billiton, Danone Southern Africa, McDonald’s South Africa, Tullow Oil, Shell and the National Business Initiative.

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