Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of private and public entities have been urged to take charge of the communication function in their businesses for the success of their companies and organizations.
While addressing top executives of leading companies at the Kampala Serena Hotel last week, Robyn de Villiers, Founder and CEO of Burson-Marsteller Africa, a global public relations and communications firm, encouraged them to equip themselves with communication skills that will go a long way in saving the image and reputation of their businesses.
“There is no doubt that the business of communications is currently undergoing its most profound transformation to date. Long-term growth will be driven by the ability to integrate, with an emphasis on content and digital,” she said. “The CEO must therefore be at the center of communication in order to have synchronized information flow to enhance their business growth and sustainability.”
Speaking at the same event, Caleb Owino, the Managing Director fireworks Advertising urged CEOs, heads of marketing and communications to consider strategic marketing options especially in hard economic times to maintain their presence in their respective markets.
“When hard times hit, many CEOs make the impulsive decision to cut marketing and advertising spend more or less completely. This is however, not necessary given the new marketing opportunities provided by online platforms that enable the business reach its target audience at a lesser cost than other marketing avenues.”
He also noted that marketing tactics should not be limited to new media and digital channels but rather employ integrated strategic communication to ensure the business objectives are met.
The conference was organized by brainchild Burson-Marsteller, the exclusive affiliate of Burson-Marsteller Africa in Uganda and the public relations, digital and experiential arm of fireworks Advertising.
It was attended by CEOs, heads of marketing and communications, from industries including; telecommunications, banking, oil and gas, insurance, media, agriculture, manufacturing, beverages and alcohol.