MTN Uganda Supports the 7th Edition of the Kopu Pa Ubimu Games and 3rd Edition of the Bicycle Races in the Ker Alur Kingdom

MTN Uganda has pledged UGX 160 million to support both the football tournament and the bicycle races, demonstrating the company's unwavering commitment to the socio-economic upliftment of the Ker Alur Kingdom through sports and cultural initiatives.

MTN Uganda Supports the 7th Edition of the Kopu Pa Ubimu Games and 3rd Edition of the Bicycle Races in the Ker Alur Kingdom
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  • MTN Uganda invests UGX 160 million in the 7th Kopu Pa Ubimu Games and 3rd bicycle races in Ker Alur.

  • The tournament runs from September 18th to October 22nd, 2024, across the Alur sub-regions and DR Congo.

  • Phillip Odoi of MTN Uganda highlights the company’s continued support for the Ker Alur community through sports.

  • Prime Minister Lawrence Opar Angala thanks MTN and urges community participation to end teenage pregnancy and early marriage.

MTN Uganda has announced its continued partnership with the Ker Alur Kingdom for the 7th edition of the Kopu Pa Ubimu Games and the 3rd edition of the MTN-sponsored bicycle races. This year’s sports tournament is centered around the theme, “Promoting Positive Parenting to End Teenage Pregnancy and Early Child Marriage,” underscoring the critical need for community involvement in addressing these pressing social issues.

MTN Uganda has pledged UGX 160 million to support both the football tournament and the bicycle races, demonstrating the company's unwavering commitment to the socio-economic upliftment of the Ker Alur Kingdom through sports and cultural initiatives.

The launch of the tournament took place at Luo Grounds in Nebbi Municipality, where an exciting football match between Alur Uganda XI Select and Alur DR Congo XI Select kicked off the event. The tournament will run from September 18th to October 22nd, 2024, with matches scheduled across the three sub-regions of Alur (Jonam, Okoro, and Padyere), as well as the Democratic Republic of Congo. The grand finals will be held at Omach Primary School Pitch in Pakwach District on October 22nd, 2024.

Taban Godwin, MTN Uganda’s Northern Region Territory Sales Manager, emphasized MTN’s ongoing commitment to the people of Ker Alur. "We are delighted to once again partner with the Kingdom of Ker Alur for the 7th edition of the Kopu Pa Ubimu Games and the 3rd edition of the bicycle races. MTN Uganda believes in the power of sports to drive social change and improve lives. Our contribution of UGX 160 million this year reaffirms our support for the kingdom and its people. We remain committed to working closely with the Ker Alur Kingdom to promote positive parenting and to continue uplifting communities through sports, health, and education."

MTN Uganda’s collaboration with the Ker Alur Kingdom, established in 2019, has seen numerous successful initiatives, from health and education to cultural and sporting events. This long-standing relationship is built on shared values and the common goal of improving the lives of the people of Ker Alur.

Speaking at the launch, Vincent Ochaya, the Executive Director Alur Kingdom, thanked MTN Uganda for its steadfast support. "We are grateful for MTN Uganda's ongoing partnership, which has played a vital role in the development of our people. This year’s theme of ‘Promoting Positive Parenting to End Teenage Pregnancy and Early Child Marriage’ is timely and essential for the future of our youth. I encourage all people of Ker Alur to actively participate in these games and join us in this cause. Together, we can build stronger, healthier communities."

The tournament will feature teams from the sub-regions of Jonam, Okoro, and Padyere, as well as from DR Congo, competing on a knockout basis. Venues for the football matches include Omach P7 School Pitch in Pakwach District (Jonam), Nebbi SS Pitch in Nebbi District (Padyere), and Bar Okoro Paidha in Zombo District (Okoro). The grand finals on October 22nd will conclude with a trophy presentation by His Royal Majesty Ubimu Phillip Olarker Rauni III, King of Ker Alur.

MTN Uganda’s support for the Ker Alur Kingdom extends beyond sports, reflecting its commitment to improving the socio-economic and cultural well-being of the kingdom’s residents. This year’s games will not only showcase local talent but will also serve as a platform for advocating the importance of education, particularly for girls, and the role of parenting in creating a brighter future for the youth.

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