Happy Birthday — Weasel’s Son Dylan Makes One Year

Congratulations to family of Weasel and Samira as Son, Dylan Makes 1 Year Today

Happy Birthday — Weasel’s Son Dylan Makes One Year
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Samira and Weasel have shared many pictures of their son, Dylan, since his birth in January 2014, but today, we're getting a rare look at the 1-year-old's adorable face.

Dylan playing with toy

On his son’s first birthday singer Weasel has revealed how the birth of baby Dylan changed his life and gave to the new responsible Weasel we all see recently.

“They say the “Birth Of Your Child” changes you. A year ago the arrival of my Boy Dylan brought with it a “Fresh Breath Of Life God has tasked me with this Awesome Opportunity to Mould your life Dylan into all sorts of possibilities With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility. ”  he revealed to his friends recently ahead of the d-day

It should be noted Dylan was born at International Hospital Kampala on Friday, 23rd January, 2015.

And with all the excitement, Weasel took to IG and had this to say,

“Happy first birthday to my little rasta man, my angel, my everything. Dylan blow more candles. Papa and mama are so proud of you. You give us a reason to celebrate.” Weasel wrote .

Meanwhile, Jose Chameleone wrote,

“Happy 1st Birthday Dylan Douglas Mayanja Son of the Great Weasel!!! And Samira Tumi I must join you today to pop moet as we Celebrate your son’s Birthday,” he wrote.

From Howwe.Biz, we wish Dylan fantastic day and celebrations.

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