Rukh Shana Namuyimba Reveals Her Presidential Candidate Of Choice

NBS television journalist, Rukh Shana Namuyimba has meteorically revealed her candidate

Rukh Shana Namuyimba Reveals Her Presidential Candidate Of Choice
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NBS television journalist, Rukh Shana Namuyimba has meteorically revealed her candidate. Read between the lines. I have finally decided for whom I will cast my ballot come Thursday...and the answer lies in how he suits up.

1. I will cast it for the man who wears his neckties with the same width of the lapel. I crave a man with balance.

2. I will cast it for the man who chooses the double vents in the back of the jacket. I crave a man who's thinking about now and the future.

3. I will cast it for the man who unbuttons his suit before he sits. I crave a man who thinks about consequences.

4. I will cast it for the man who's suit jacket is just long enough to cover his pants zipper and butt. I crave a man who pays attention to detail.

5. I will cast my vote for the man who wears his suit with confidence. I crave a man who doesn't give a rats hide what the world thinks as long as he believes in himself.

I have finally decided I will cast my vote for the man who pays the most attention to how he suits up purely because it shows respect and that he values himself and me enough to dress up. I can trust that man and as # Ugandadecides trust is everything!

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