Radio Hires Top City Lawyer Against Ex Manager Jeff In Property Fight

Radio Hires Top City Lawyer Against Ex Manager Jeff In Property Fight

Radio Hires Top City Lawyer Against Ex Manager Jeff In Property Fight
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Former Good Lyfe crew singer Moze Radio is considering a court battle against former manager Jeff Kiwanuka. The two rivaling former allies are fighting over the three storey house they co-own and property registered under the The Good Lyfe. Following their fall out, word has for long been circulating in social circles that Moze Radio and Weasel are fighting Kiwanuka over their mansion in Makindye.

A few days ago, we Kiwanuka informed Radio and Weasel that he wanted his share of the property the accumulated during their time in Good Lyfe. Insiders reveal that Kiwanuka was forced to quit the group after disagreements with Moze Radio, who has for long been agitating against Kiwanuka’s earning the lion share from whichever contracts they got.

It is also said that Kiwanuka publicly criticized Radio for opening up his bar called “The Soldiers” in Wandegeya, saying that ever since the bar was launched, the singer spends over fifteen hours supervising work there, something Kiwanuka didn’t approve, since it leaves little time to work on their music. After disagreeing, the trio decided to share the property they have and their most valued asset is the Mansion in Makindye.

Moses-Radio_01However, we have learnt that Moze Radio is not ready to let Kiwanuka run away with full ownership of their Makindye Kizungu house and the ownership of Goodlyfe crew group. Snoops reveal that Radio has sought legal advice from top city lawyer John Katende and he is ready to battle Kiwanuka in courts of law regarding revoking ownership of the Good Lyfe Crew music copyrights and their Kizungu mansion.

It should be remembered that the singers recently discovered a treacherous move which points to the fact that everything they’ve worked for all these years apparently belongs to Kiwanuka, who also owns 60% of the group’s copyrights, while the boys own just 30% and 10% respectively.

It all started after the duo separated from Leone Island and formed their own Good Lyfe group. Naively, Radio and Weasel trusted Kiwanuka to take care of the technicalities while they concentrated on the music.

Kiwanuka tactfully registered ‘Good Lyfe’ as a limited company solely owned by him, and made them sign the papers, giving each of them 30% and 10% for other purposes to maintain the Group. This means that everything the boys bought under the Goodlyfe franchise technically belongs to him or he has a right to share.

This whole scandal has been going on for long until Radio unearthed it while chasing a land title of the plot where they built their flat. After buying the plot, Kiwanuka registered it in his names, thus sparking off suspicions. It was found out that the land was registered in Jeff Kiwanuka’s names, yet he had earlier on presented a land title in the names of ‘Goodlyfe’, which was a forgery.

Good Lyfe_house

Meanwhile, we hear Radio has for a longtime been seeking legal advice so as to take the battle to court by suing Kiwanuka for impersonation and forgery. After hunting around for a superb lawyer in vain, Radio was finally advised to enlist the services of Katende, who assured him that he has the potential to take on Kiwanuka and to even floor him in court.

Katende also promised the Goodlyfe duo that with his services, they will be able to reclaim their Makindye mansion and copyrights for the Goodlyfe group.

[Credit : Xclusive Uganda]

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