Kandahar War!!! WBS’ Oyimuke, UDPF affiliate Trade Blows Over Babe’s Bean

WBS’ Presenter Charles Oyimuke battles it out with UDPF affiliate Kalule Sulait,over Possession of a woman’s heart

Kandahar War!!! WBS’ Oyimuke, UDPF affiliate Trade Blows Over Babe’s Bean
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Wavah Broadcasting Services (WBS)’ Production manager Charles Oyimuke is living in fear of his life after a UDPF affiliate Kalule Sulait, threatened to harm and jail him over a UK based babe, Hadija Matovu with whom they have a 15 year old issue!

According to one of online tabliods, the Investigator,  they reported yesterday of how Charles Oyimuke is tussling it out with UDPF’s Clearing Agent over Ownership of a Saucy Babe Kandahar.....

Reports claim, troubles started about a year ago after Oyimuke and Hadija made it public that they were planning Legal bonking sessions...which certainly didn't go well with Kalule Sulait.

It is said that after living together (Kalule Sulait and Hadija Matovu) for about two years in some of the affluent suburbs of Kampala, Hadija apparently got pregnant, however, hell broke loose as the pair started fighting over several issues which included Kalule’s ‘Other’ women, a claim that he said was irrelevant since he subscribes to the Islamic faith.

Unfortunately the couple then separated in 2011 and after months of both emotional pain and heartbreak, she later relocated to the United Kingdom where she currently lives....and it's from UK she hooked up with Charles Oyimuke who she is spreading legs for!

Charles Oyimuke Responds to the incidence

As the Pussi way is taking centre stage on social media... Charles Oyimuke has come out to explain and respond to the matter, here is what he said.Facebook post from Charles Oyimuke

Credit to: investigator

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