Sad News: The Late Abel Dhaira’s Grand Mother is Dead

The Late Uganda Cranes Goal Keeper Able Dhaira’s Grand Mother has died (May their Souls Rest In Peace)

Sad News: The Late Abel Dhaira’s Grand Mother is Dead
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The Late Uganda Cranes Goal Keeper Able Dhaira’s Grand Mother has died (May their Souls Rest In Peace)

New reaching our desks indicate Abe’s Grandmother passed away on hearing the distressing news of his grandson’s passing.

We’ve been told that she passed away yesterday, 29th March 2016. Emerging reports confirm that she was traumatized by sad news;

It’s true, grandma has been having old age sickness, ever since we broke to her about Abel’s death her condition got worse till yesterday when she passed away too at 9pm in the night-- A source told us,

Abel Dhaira’s passed away on Last week on Sunday  27th March after losing a battle to abdominal cancer.

We send our heartfelt condolences to the family of the deceased, May God give you comfort in these trying times.

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