Ex- Big Brother Africa Kyle Quits Urban TV Job

The “hood show” presenter was heard complaining before taking big step to find his way out of the industrial area struggling Urban TV station

Ex- Big Brother Africa Kyle Quits Urban TV Job
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The former big BBA contestant Kyle Duncan Kushaba aka Kyle has finally quit his job on urban television after failing to raise the expected viewer ratings on his show.  Kyle became famous after he emerged fifth in the 2012 Big Brother Africa show a South African reality TV show that captivates many fans across the continent.

The “hood show” presenter was heard complaining before taking big step to find his way out of the industrial area struggling Urban TV station as he feared for his reputation and fame he had acquired from the BBA show going to waste if he didn’t make a serious decision about his career in the entertainment industry before its too late.

Kyle’s green pasture new destination is not yet known but soon enough Howwe Biz will be letting you know especially his fans where to find him.

Good luck man

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