Akena Laid to Rest: Last Moments Narrated by Brother at Burial.

This is an account by Jordan Watmon a big brother to the deceased at the final service in Kitgum today with no main addition to it.

Akena Laid to Rest: Last Moments Narrated by Brother at Burial.
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This is an account by Jordan Watmon a big brother to the deceased at the final service in Kitgum today with no main addition to it.

He narrated that on Saturday him, Akena and another brother of theirs Pope (Watmon John Paul) had lunch at Kyadondo Rugby Grounds.

They stayed together there for a while till around 4pm when they all dispersed and agreed to link up again later in the evening at around 8pm. Akena dropped Jordan home.

At around 7:14pm, he received a phone call from a Staff of Nakasero Hospital Kampala asking him whether he knew Akena, and he said of course he did and that he had a brother called Akena.

Jordan was then told that Akena was admitted at the facility; he told the caller that it was not possible as his brother Akena was not even sick and had been with him just a couple of hours earlier. But he remained very disconcerted and felt hit.

Upon receiving this bewildering call, he immediately called Pope and asked whether he had already linked up with Akena since he was running late. Pope told Jordan he was not yet with Akena and that he had tried his phone several times to no response.

It then hit Jordan for the second time and he told Pope about the call he had just received from Nakasero hospital and asked him to drop whatever he was doing and rush there since he was closer to town; himself jumping on a boda and heading there. He said he also tried reaching his brother by phone to no answer.

When he reached around Fairway Hotel on the boda, Pope called him and confirmed that indeed Akena was actually there with a fearsome gunshot wound on the stomach.

Jordan reached the hospital and found Pope, a man, a woman and a police officer outside the waiting room and dashed straight to see Akena. He found him in critical condition.

Nakasero asked for 6M Shs and they quickly mobilized the sum and the doctors worked on their brother Akena. They were all in shock.

While the doctors worked on Akena, the hospital authorities advised them to first go to police and record statements given the nature of the injury on the victim- a bullet wound; and the account of the Good Samaritans who had brought him in.

The Good Samaritans Mathew Kanyamunyu and Girlfriend Cynthia left separately from the brothers but they all agreed to meet at Wandegeya Police Station not so far from Nakasero.

The brothers jumped on a Boda a few minutes later and headed straight to Wandegeya Police but didn't find the couple; they rushed to Jinja Road Police Station and didn't find them there too; they then went to CPS but also didn't find them!

So when they were at CPS, they narrated to the police officers what had happened, they were encouraged to file the case there but they said they would try to go back to Wandegeya Police to check for the couple one last time as they were the first respondents at the scene of the shooting.

So they rushed back to Wandegeya Police again and found the ‘lost’ couple. From there, they all agreed to take the case to Jinja Road Police since it was closer to the scene Mathew said he had picked Akena.

At Jinja Road Police, Jordan was questioned whether Akena had a gun or was doing work related to security and he said no, he wasn’t aware. He was also asked about the type of work he did and he told them. The same with Matthew who made a statement saying he was a only a good Samaritan helping out Akena.

At this moment, Jordan told mourners that Pope had already pulled him aside and narrated a different version from what Matthew reported to police had happened.

That Akena had narrated on his hospital bed that when he was reversing at Game Lugogo Mall parking, he accidentally brushed a guy’s car and when he went to apologize, the driver lowered his car window, pulled a pistol, pressed it on his stomach and shot him!

Akena had mentioned to Pope plainly that the man and woman who brought him to the hospital is the one who had shot him.

That was the last time he was conscious and ever spoke. However, at the police, the gentleman and the girlfriend maintained that they were only good Samaritans who had just found Akena shot.

Jordan said when he told the police what Akena had told them differently, the police started taking them very seriously at that point. It was difficult for them to juggle between the police and hospital so when they were leaving the hospital for police, they had called another friend called Jackie to stay at the hospital.

From Jinja Road Police they went back to the Nakasero and were told by the doctors that their work had been done and their part majorly was to arrest the bleeding but that Akena needed to be in ICU as soon as possible. The doctors said Nakasero was however at full capacity. 

The brothers then contacted all major hospitals including IHK and Case Clinic but all their ICUs were full then.

May His Soul Rest In Peace

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