Eight Things You Didn’t Know About Fille

Today I will take you through some of those unique features you didn't know about her.

Eight Things You Didn’t Know About Fille
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Singer Fille Mutoni stage name Fille is known for popular songs like Where have you been at, what did you do, Embeera Eno, trouble among others. Today I will take you through some of those unique features you didn't know about her.

Fille hails from Rwanda where she actually travels for her festive season and even when she gets several pulps from Kats. She, however, prefers to call herself a Mukiga for fear of being racially segregated. Her name Mutoni tells it all.

Love life
Fille has dated a number of local celebrities like Akay 47 with whom they dated during their high school days, Weasel Manizo and Nutty Neithan who recently feasted on her beans creating overwhelming conflict with fiancee MC Kats.

She went to Nakasero primary school for primary education, Lubiri Secondary school and Standard High School for secondary education, and then St. Lawrence University for a bachelors degree in Public Administration where she registered for a dead year in 2013 after going mainstream in music with Where have you been at single.

Other skills
Fille loves reading books and novels. She has actually penned down some and loves writing poems.

Fille is a high drunkard with a high love for whiskies and spirits. Filles can't get on stage minus gulping a vodka, bonds 7 or Jameson. She actually smokes weed and cigarettes. When you travel with her for on long distances she will ask for stop over to smoke.

Fille has a high temper and gets annoyed very fast, she ain't the type you joke around with and that's why Kats received several pounds last time. They have fought time and again. Being a church girl she is also not used to dressing skimpily that's why most times File prefers dressing in pants.

Earlier life
Fille used to work in Bugolobi Nakumat as a supermarket attendant and that's where MC Kats found her. She used such simple jobs to get some money to cater for herself and support her family as well.

Fille is very passionate about her family and loves her mother so much because of the single mother background she raised them. She supports her family abundantly.

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