Gaetano And Wife’s Marriage Reportedly ON THE ROCKS!!!

It Could Be Finally Over! Former Big Brother Star Gaetano Kaggwa And Wife Allegedly Split

Gaetano And Wife’s Marriage Reportedly ON THE ROCKS!!!
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It took so long to happen. Maybe Enid Keishamanza Rukikaire, Gaetano Kaggwa’s wife has been patient and pushing on but the latest reaching our desk it that the 5-year marriage could be over.

Reliable sources have informed us that Enid and Gaetano have allegedly agreed to separate over irreconcilable differences. It is alleged that the couple sat down with both families and they were advised that separation might be the best option for them.

Gaetano Kaggwa has always been spotted in so many compromising situations with different women. The most confusing one is the way he openly exposes his closure to workmate Lucky. The two always post pictures and videos on social media seductively dancing together.

Gaetano and his wife tied the knot about 5 years back but the couple has not yet been blessed with a child. At one time, Gaetano said that he was very okay with it and was waiting on the Lord to bless them.

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