City socialite Brian White, original names Brian Kirumira has cried and pleaded with police at Kabalagala station to release him after shooting a young man outside his gate in Buziga.
A pale Brian told police he was only being a good Samaritan after he found a person shot outside his gate and saved his life.
According to Luke Owoyesigire, the Ag. Kampala metropolitan police spokesperson, Brain White shot Victor Bitwire in the shoulders in the wee hours of this morning at his home in Buziga, a Kampala City suburb.
Owoyesigire told Howwe.Biz that White was leaving his home at 2am, when he spotted two gentlemen standing outside his gate, he then asked why they were following him, before a serious argument started, leading to the shooting of Bitwire.
“As he was coming out of his premises at 2am, he found these two gentlemen, Bitwire Victor and a colleague, he came out of his vehicle and confronted them, asking why they were following him. When they tried to respond, a lot of exchanges went on and he got out his gun and he shot Bitwire” Owoyesigire narrated.
He has been charged with attempted murder at Kabalagala police station, as the victim recovers at IHK.
Brian White recently hit Kampala streets giving out money to whoever asked. He however became popular after appearing in the media jogging under tight protection of unidentified men brandishing AK47 rifles.
He is believed to have returned to Uganda last year from Europe where he had spent some time and started distributing money to people