Irene Ntale's BBC Focus On Africa TV Show Live Interview -- Amazing

Uganda Afro-Zouk singer 'Irene Ntale' was hosted on BBC Focus On Africa TV Live Show -- Check her interview, It was that great.

Irene Ntale's BBC Focus On Africa TV Show Live Interview -- Amazing
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It's quite amazing just how far Irene Ntale has gone in a very short while on the Ugandan music scene. She's the star behind tracks like 'Love Letter' and 'Addiction' which are collaboration songs with the 'Love You Every day' star, Bebe Cool. Other songs include; Katambala, Smile UgandaOlindaba, Gyobera ... []

Sophie Ikenye (Main Presenter) and Peter Okwoche (Deputy Presenter) present the BBC's first dedicated weekday TV news programme focusing exclusively on Africa. Focus On Africa brings together the expertise of the BBC World Service's African Service and BBC World News on television to report on Africa's rising economies, entrepreneurs, innovators, culture, entertainment and sport.

The interview was in preparation of her performance at the 2BeLoved Gala that is slated to take place tonight at the Tara Hotel London. Comedian Anne Kansiime will be hosting the show. ... []


BBC: Irene, thank you for gracing our show, Focus on Africa.

Irene: I’m humbled. I’m overwhelmed to be here.

BBC: You are Uganda’s rising star, why do you think you are growing so fast?

Irene: First of all, the music I do is what Ugandans can relate to. I do love songs, club kind of music. I’m just happy for the support and love that they are showing me.

BBC: Who are your mentors?

Irene: I have a team, I’m signed to Swangz Avenue, there are two gentlemen one is called Julius Kyazze and the other Benon Mugumbya. These two found me when I was in the background and they brought me up. They are my mentors and they made me what I am today.

BBC: The guitar, I see you holding one here, are you going to play for us at the moment to see what you can do? Did you learn as a grown up?

Irene: I learnt to play the guitar when I was sixteen, I did it to be in the church choir and then slowly I developed interest and started attending and learning more notes. Right now I’m twenty something.

BBC: How often do you perform outside of Uganda?

Irene: This is going to be my first time to perform outside Uganda so I’m very happy and excited.

BBC: So you are debuting abroad?

Irene: Yes, this is the first time.

BBC: Ok, I’m interested in knowing this. I understand you are here to attend a concert about marriage and strengthening relationships between couples, is it deliberate? Is marriage important to you, how important is marriage to you?

Irene: First of all, I come from a Christian family, marriage helps us keep morals. Married couples raise their kids to have good morals so I hold marriage up there.

BBC: You sing mostly in your local language, tell me how that helps you cut through.

Irene: I sing mostly in Luganda but also have songs in English. I tend to mix it up to cut across; I also have songs which are purely English.

BBC: Ok Irene, you are going to perform for us to close our show. Show us what you can do.

Irene Ntale performed an acoustic version of her song 'Politix' on the guest performance platform.

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