Exclusive: Rema Namakula To Introduce New Man To Parents

Howwe has seen cards sent to a few media individuals inviting them for a kwanjula in Masaka in November.

Exclusive: Rema Namakula To Introduce New Man To Parents
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REMA Namakula and Eddy Kenzo are no more. The two had suffered challenges in their relationship but they have been holding onto each other with the hope that the bad could get better.

Things took a different twist when REMA found another man, whose name we are yet to find out. 

Howwe has seen cards sent to a few media individuals inviting them for a kwanjula in Masaka in November.

Sources say REMA took long to break with  KENZO apparently because they both contributed to buy the house in  Seguku. She is now walking away from it all, and determined to start a new life.

KENZO refused to wed Rema saying he wasn’t ready.

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