Hellen Lukoma and I Outgrew Each other — Leila Kayondo

Many translated it as a dig at her best friend turned foe, Leila Kayondo.

Hellen Lukoma and I Outgrew Each other — Leila Kayondo
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Hellen Lukoma posted on her Facebook timeline revealing that she lost friends when she became serious with life. She got married, stopped going to bars. She mainly focuses on her family.

Many translated it as a dig at her best friend turned foe, Leila Kayondo.

Kayondo however says she still considers Hellen Lukoma as her friend only that they outgrew each other.

“It is the same thing with the people I studied with in high school. We are no longer in touch but not because we are not friends. Life separated us. We grew up and took different paths. That’s the same thing with Hellen,” Leila said.

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