Eddy Kenzo Broke Allegedly.

Eddy Kenzo is Broke after refusing to pay any of the event organisers of his concert.

Eddy Kenzo Broke Allegedly.
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Eddy Kenzo the sitya loss singer has been on fire this year--PROOF-- being nominated for the channel O awards, learning how to speak English, being involved in big scandals ( Kenzo-kasuuku saga), ballooning Rema, being talked about on the Ellen show --- seriously this guy is on FIRE.

However, we may think that this guy is loaded to the teeth, but word on the street is that Eddy Kenzo is not. At least that’s not what we heard that Kenzo lied that he made enough money from his show.

We have recieved reports that  his phone wont stop ringing, debtors are continuously calling him because apparently non of the artists or events organisers got paid ???

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