Leila should be taken to rehab - Tina Fierce 

Close pals say her bitterness stems from the fact that she feels betrayed by Mbuga. 

Leila should be taken to rehab - Tina Fierce 
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Singer Leila Kayondo attacked and insulted former bonkmate SK Mbuga via WhatsApp a few days ago.

She accused him of witchcraft, murder, and many heinous crimes. 

Close pals say her bitterness stems from the fact that she feels betrayed by Mbuga. 

They had mended their broken relationship but Mbuga opted to stay with his wife.

This upset Leila who took to social media to spill her truth.

Former Urban TV presenter Tina Fierce has advised Leila Kayondo to check into rehab because she could be struggling with mental illness. 

According to Tina Fierce, a sane person can’t rant the way she did about his ex-lover.

Meanwhile, SK Mbuga and their wife, Vivian were recently spotted having a good time at one of the top hangouts in Kampala.

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