Struggling musician Weasel has been under fire from online in-laws and Chameleone's wife, Daniella Atim for battering his baby mama, Sandra Teta, and abusing his kids.
Also Read: Daniella Atim Calls On Feminists to Save Sandra Teta From Weasel’s Violence
After releasing that Daniella Atim is determined to exert pressure and continue calling for his arrest, he reached out and asked for forgiveness.
He promised never again to engage in any physical fight with the mother of his children.
But Daniela seems not convinced by Weasel's apology.
See More: I have no kind words for Weasel - Chameleone's wife Daniella Atim roars
Daniela shared her private chat with Weasel on her Instagram and confirmed she will not stop fighting until Sandra gets justice.
For over a week now, social media has been centered on the violent actions of Weasel and many people continue to call on authorities to reign on the struggling artiste.