Stay away from my family or I spill your dirty secrets - Weasel threatens Judith Heard 

Troubled musician Weasel Manizo has asked socialite Judith Heard to stay away from affairs regarding his family.   

Stay away from my family or I spill your dirty secrets - Weasel threatens Judith Heard 
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Troubled musician Weasel Manizo has asked socialite Judith Heard to stay away from affairs regarding his family.   

Also Read: Weasel Confiscates Baby Mama's Phones, posts diversionary statements on her account

Socialite Judith Heard took to her social media to condemn domestic violence and despite not mentioning Weasel’s name, the post was directed at the Goodlyfe singer, who has been in the news for battering the mother of his kids.

“When it is a viable option, it is best for victims to do what they can to escape their abusers.
However, this is not the case in all situations. Abusers repeatedly go to extremes to prevent the victim from leaving. Leaving an abuser is the most dangerous time for a victim of domestic violence. 
Abuse is life-changing, that is for sure. But so is speaking up. When it comes down to it, an abuser robs you of your voice and your ability to speak for yourself. Claiming your voice back can be a difficult, downright terrifying process. But our words have power, as do our stories. If a person refuses to take the onus of helping themselves and expects the abuser to stop, she will keep quiet in hope. Not only that, but women also tend to keep blaming themselves in such situations, there is little scope for them to change. They say, Oh it was my fault too,’ or ‘Can I look at this differently,’ or ‘Can I change my attitude, so this does not happen again?’ So, the abuser gets away without being corrected, Such women fail to protect themselves and look out for their safety,” Judith Heard posted

Weasel responded in the comment section and asked Judith Heard to stay in her lane or risk getting her dirty linen spilled.

 “Please leave my family alone don’t let me spill your dirty beans.. 're not perfect 💩” Weasel responded.

Several celebrities like Daniella Atim have condemned Weasel’s violent conduct.

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