Producer Bushingtone is a Snake, he is failing the music industry - Musician Grenade

Producer Bushingtone stopped him from performing after he turned up with dancers from the Buwembo foundation.

Producer Bushingtone is a Snake, he is failing the music industry - Musician Grenade
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Musician Grenade official was denied a chance to perform at the Ikon awards on Saturday at Serena Hotel.

Producer Bushingtone stopped him from performing after he turned up with dancers from the Buwembo foundation.

Furious Grenade lashed out at the producer and called him a snake.

He claimed Bushingtone is one of the people dragging the music industry behind.

"Why would you stop me from performing with dancers? These are young kids from the Buwembo foundation. They are also looking for money for basic needs. It only shows that people like Bushingtone keep dragging the industry behind by sabotaging creatives. I am not happy with his actions," he said in an interview with local television.

Grenade also said he was not paid his balance yet he turned up on time and waited for almost three hours to perform at the event.

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