Serena Bata Expresses Fears Over Her Life 

When she was summoned to make a statement at the police station, she told the authorities that she fears Abitex because he intends to harm her.

Serena Bata Expresses Fears Over Her Life 
Read: 2020 times \

Local musician Serena Bata is living in fear after music promoter Abtex allegedly threatened to end her life.

When she was summoned to make a statement at the police station, she told the authorities that she fears Abitex because he intends to harm her.

Abtex and Serena fell out after working together for a short time.

Abtex claims he injected money over 500M in Serena’s career and wants it back.

The promoter also doesn’t want Serena Bata to perform songs she recorded while under his management.

The police advised the two to settle their differences amicably.

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