Me & MC Kats Are Compatible In Many Aspects But He Isn’t My Husband -- Fille

While setting record straight to our snoops, She denied being in love with MC Kats. Fille’s relationship with Mc Kats has always been a mystery to her fans and public.

Me & MC Kats Are Compatible In Many Aspects But He Isn’t My Husband -- Fille
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Singer Fille Mutoni aka Fille is one of the fast-raising female musicians in the country. She rose to fame with her ‘It’s Not About Money’ ‘Where Have You Been At’ and ‘Hello’. However being sweet looking lady, who even served in church choir at Miracle Center Rubaga in Pastor Kayanja’s church, she has faced more hard time to explain her love life compared to her Music.

While setting record straight to our snoops, She denied being in love with MC Kats. Fille’s relationship with Mc Kats has always been a mystery to her fans and public.  

Kats is my manager and friend…simple! I don’t know why people always think he is my guy? Me and Kats are very good friends! Yes we are compatible in many aspects but he isn’t my Husband! Fille said

Being asked on where she got the motivation of a recent song ‘My husband’.

I didn’t write that song! There’s a good writer called Ray Signature who wrote it for me. So it’s not directed to Kats or anyone…it’s just a song that was written for me and I sang it. She said

In unrelated news MC Kats has been suspected to have over 10 kids from 10 wives but the truth is Kats has only knows four kids and he is taking care of them.

mc kats
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