Better To Be Alone And Be Happy Than Be With Someone And Be Unhappy - Cindy

Cindy, who just got dumped and reportedly impregnated, instead of crying over spilt milk, seems to have surprisingly moved on and gotten on her grip.

Better To Be Alone And Be Happy Than Be With Someone And Be Unhappy - Cindy
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The difference between a weak and a strong person after a break up is moving on , weak people cry and mope all the way till infinity and are usually stack on the same spot , doing nothing about the incident. Cindy, who just got dumped and reportedly impregnated, instead of crying over spilt milk, seems to have surprisingly moved on and gotten on her grip.

The Ayokyayokya hit maker did not let the break up ruin her career… and has since the break up channeled her rage and anger of disappointment to doing gigs like nothing is wrong at all, that’s being a strong woman folks!!!

Better to be alone and be happy than be with someone and be unhappy, Cindy

The break up did not break her though like we imagined, she’s good and contented being alone because it’s what makes her feel Home.

Will keep you posted , its agrowing story.

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