I wanted to bonk Lydia Jazmine - Jacob Omutuzze

Omutuzze says Jasmine is full of beauty, and her romantic eyes can captivate any man.

I wanted to bonk Lydia Jazmine - Jacob Omutuzze
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Media personality Jacob Omutuzze believes any normal human being should fall for Lydia Jazmine.

Omutuzze says Jasmine is full of beauty, and her romantic eyes can captivate any man.

He approached Jasmine for love, but there was no connection between the two, and he couldn't force things, choosing to withdraw.

"I wanted to bonk Lydia Jasmine but I didn't because things fail and that as well failed but I reached out to her. You know very well she is a beautiful woman any man would want to die for." he said in an interview with a local Television.

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