My mother did prostitution so we could stay in school - Exodus

He explained that his mother used to change men at different intervals to get money to cover school fees and upkeep at home.

My mother did prostitution so we could stay in school - Exodus
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Gospel musician Exodus has made a shocking revelation, saying his mother engaged in prostitution so they could stay in school.

He explained that his mother used to change men at different intervals to get money to cover school fees and upkeep at home.

Through prostitution, she contracted diseases that weakened her and eventually led to her death.

"Life was hard back there in Kisenyi, Kampala. My mother did prostitution so we could stay in school. I used to see men come home because she reached a point in life where she didn't have a job or anything to do. In the process, she contracted deadly diseases," he partly said.

Exodus is one of the most celebrated Ugandan gospel musicians. He has been off the scene for over five years, battling depression and drug-related difficulties, but he came back on the scene this year.

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