Here’s Pallaso’s Message To The Imitators.

His emphasis are rather on innovation not imitation

Here’s Pallaso’s Message To The Imitators.
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Once your established , people are always going to look up to you, better still when you’re a celebrity  someone will often  want to be you and they will do all they can in their power to be just like you. That makes you teacher and them students.

Pallaso appears to be a victim of this circumstance and has some few words for those who want to copy swag instead of creativity and pretty much everything celebs do, so he decides to share a social media status up that read

Follow the innovator not the imitator !! You can copy Swagg but ya can't copy respect !! Riseeeeee ... It could be your turn to shine

His emphasis are rather on innovation not imitation, does what he has done make him an innovator, I don’t know either..what do you think of this message?

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