Frank Gashumba Goes HAM on New Vision For Putting Desire Luzinda On The Front Page.

How can Uganda's Leading Newspaper THE New Vision run Desire Luzinda on the front page of Saturday Vision and giving her an additional 3 pages inside the Saturday Vision because a few months ago her Nude pics which were taken with her consent were circulating over the social media.

Frank Gashumba Goes HAM on New Vision For Putting Desire Luzinda On The Front Page.
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Frank Gashumba the political critic well known for his inability to stay calm and comprehend anything… yesterday 21 feb, he heavily criticized the editors of The New Vision, because desire Luzinda was put on the front page and given three additional pages in Saturdays  issue of the new vision.

Here is his full statement.

When some of us say that this Country is dead, some of you dont respond to my posts but to me as a person. How can Uganda's Leading Newspaper THE New Vision run Desire Luzinda on the front page of Saturday Vision and giving her an additional 3 pages inside the Saturday Vision because a few months ago her Nude pics which were taken with her consent were circulating over the social media.

Is New Vision becoming a tabloid????
How can qualified editors allow such a story to pass. I have had an opportunity of meeting the Editor in Chief of New Vision, Ms Barbara Kaija, a very down to earth woman, a good Christian, a Mother with a good CV, allow such a story to feature on the front page of the Saturday Vision!!

Media houses shape the way people think, the way people act and the way people behave, for the New Vision to have Desire on the front page, you guys are telling our Children that to be successful or to be a "Celebrity" take nude pics and circulate them.

I have heard opportunity of visiting big schools in Uganda, Namagunga, Gayaza, SMACK, Buddo etc all their libraries are stocked with the New Vision and Monitor because the Administrators think these are goods newspapers for our Children to read meaning now if Students see Desire Luzinda, you are sending a clear message to them that the short cut to "success" is take nude pics and circulate them.

Shockingly in her interview in the Saturday Vision, she had no remorse to her actions, that actually based on the publicity she is getting from Media Houses, she had to record a video of "Ekitonne" just to read you, she had produced that song Ekitonne 2 years ago without a video and she confesses in her interview that her Ekitonne song is taking all over places.

As a parent and a Senior Citizen am very disappointed with the management of New Vision.

If New Vision can profile such a story, what will Redpepper and Hello do!!

You are lucky Ugandans are silent complaints.

Now our children have started posing like Desire. Just looking back at the just concluded Benz New York Fashion Week,our own Aamito Stacie, did as good by robbing shoulders with the Famour designers like David Ttale and Marc Jacobs tearing up the catwalk on the runway but she has not featured anywhere in our Media in Uganda.

When you run a positive story about Aamito, its a clear message to her age mates and Models that there is a future in that Industry because she is earning big from such events.

Finally, our own Ibrahim Ssekaja was appointed as the Third Assistant Couch for New York Bulls, were guys like Thierry Henry have featured. My friends in the Soccer World, tell me that New York Bulls is at the level of Man U, Chelsea and Arsenal.

His story has not featured anywhere on the front page and his the first Uganda to have such a title in the US.

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