Desire Luzinda -- My ex, Franklin, was in DEBT not me ... but I had to pay anyway

Desire Luzinda says she's been paying to clear a debt that her Nigerian ex-boyfriend Franklin carried ... after they broke up.

Desire Luzinda -- My ex, Franklin, was in DEBT not me ... but I had to pay anyway
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Local musician Desire Luzinda alias Rachael Nancy fell victim to revenge porn by her estranged Nigerian boyfriend, Franklin Emuobor Ebenhron after their dramatic breakup.

Apparently, before the breakup, Desire and Franklin--who was also her manager--had acquired a debt worth 81M ugx. At the time, according to reports, Desire was sleeping around and cheating on Franklin ... and when the latter found out, he separated ways, released her nude photos and left Desire drowning in the colossal sums of money she owed.

Franklin had also acquired some money from his friends to top up on what they had acquired, all in a fight to see Desire's concerts become a success. In turn, Desire was to acquire a Ugandan passport for Franklin which she did, but things became even worse as Police got their hands on the passport and questioned Desire for it.

We were told that the small amounts of money Franklin borrowed from his friends were easy for him to clear ... but Desire on the other hand was left with a "Perform at shows day and night without pay until your debt is cleared" choice.

She had no choice but to spend sleepless nights performing with no pay until the 81M debt was cleared. It took her about 4 Months to make the money.

Desire also revealed that because she's a star, she used to be forced to eat in expensive hotels even when she had no money at all.

About 7 days ago, Desire was reportedly facing arrest for a new 20M debt she acquired from a prominent businessman identified as Ronald Kaliisa.

While being interview by Quick Talk, Desire claimed that the 81M debt she cleared was Franklin's burden but due to ugly circumstances, she was held accountable for everything she and Franklin did together.

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