Pallaso doesn't believe AK47 Died of OD ... Hopes the truth finds its way out.

Singer Pallaso, brother to the fallen dancehall star AK47, hopes more investigation be carried out to reveal the real death of his younger brother.

Pallaso doesn't believe AK47 Died of OD ... Hopes the truth finds its way out.
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Police reports confirmed that dance-hall star AK47 died of drug overdose. According to forensics that carried out the postmortem, the singer was on drugs before he slid and fell unconscious in the bathroom where his skull reportedly cracked.

Police reports also say that the drugs could have caused high blood pressure and hence causing the internal bleeding in the brain when he fell down.

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However, his elder brother, afro-pop/dance-hall singer, Pallaso doesn't believe in these reports and is calling for more investigations in the matter of AK47's death. Pallaso believes something is missing in the previous results.

I hope one day the sun shines so bright enough to unveil the darkness so we all can finally settle with closure and deal with a little less pain when the real story is finally discovered of how my beautiful darling to many so dear my brother Ak 47 died. At least the people that love him so dearly are owed to know!! Please keep Akay in your prayers and keep praying that the real path of how he met his death gets revealed .. It's one of the only things left that we could do for him that he would still appreciate even in his after life !! ###AkayLives -- PALLASO

  May his soul rest in eternal peace  

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