Dan Flavour’s Dad Passes On

The singers dad has been sick for quite some time now

Dan Flavour’s Dad Passes On
Read: 6367 times \

I think this month has the angel of death with its spooky nature roaming around snatching lives for reasons only the Almighty God can answer for us in prayer, this is beyond an ordinary mind’s understanding. First we lost  Bobi Wine’s Dad ,  Ak47, Coco Fingers Dad , Master Blaster presumably and now Dan Flavour’s Dad !!!, we  need a devine intervention.

 The singers dad has been sick for quite some time now, according to Dan who participated in the Airtel Music Trace Competition ---in one of his interviews back in the day said he’s motivation to win is to solve family misfortunes. I know it’s a hard pill to swallow, but why Celebs consecutively in a short while, I guess that’s where the high power question comes in, what’s going on? Who’s calling shots? …Answers to those questions, we will never know for it’s beyond us.

Team Howwe wishes Dan all the best and may his dad’s soul rest in peace.

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