Oh Mary, Poor Thing! Mary Luswata Gets Wasted At The Beach

Mary Luswata drinks herself to toes at the beach

Oh Mary, Poor Thing!  Mary Luswata Gets Wasted At The Beach
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She can't stop! Mary is starting to enjoy her showbiz romance as the Gossip queen is getting a little bit wild --- both ‘off social media’ and Social media!

Last week, we published an article of how the gossip queen, Mary Luswata, showed her poor sitting manner, as she nearly showed of her hairy cave in what seemed to fashion gone wrong!

Read Story: Mary Luswata Goes Tempting As She Displays Her Voluptuous THIGHLANDS

Once, a critic of celebrities exposing their live for media attention, ML seems to have gotten a new home with her lugambo peers on what we have been told it’s a whatsapp group for celebrities called “Expendables”. This group is said to be hitting Kampala happening point and especially beaches where they drink and drink nothing else but beer!

However, one of the inner members in the group has told us of how he didn’t know Mary Luswata was a BEER TANK! He revealed of how ML got wasted after emptying several Club beers like she was told that beer was going to be banned tomorrow … just like the ‘Kavera thing’.

According to this source, on the weekend, Mary got totally wasted and started dancing for friends. Oh Mary, poor thing!  

mary luswata

This continued as unusual streak of crazy photos were taken of her that are widely rotating on social media… among the pictures we have managed to get, we still doubt their  authenticity as some looked photoshopped!!

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