Shocking: Another Promising Female Musician Is Dead

Brenats is dead

Shocking: Another Promising Female Musician Is Dead
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Another bad week for the entertainment industry, one of the most promising singer and performer Brenda Natukunda famously known as Brenats is dead.

Shockingly the singer passed away yesterday in the late hours of morning as we closed in to  midday at Kadic hospital, Bukoto where she has been battling a fever.

If you have attended some of the city gigs, Brenats has been an extraordinally performer on stage despite her size. She has been very active in most of the Bebe Cool shows around town for the fact he was managed by Omulangira Ndausi, who is Gagamel top member.

Brenats is popularly known for her lovely songs such as Ekikajo, Njakulondola, Tokunsobola, and Obuvunanyizibwa bwani

May her soul rest in peace!

Here is one of her famous song Njakulondola

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