Sheebah Karungi replaced with Cindy Sanyu

Sheebah Karungi revealed she wouldn't be performing at the grand re-opening of Club Zodiac ... she has been replaced with Cindy.

Sheebah Karungi replaced with Cindy Sanyu
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Apparently, Cindy Sanyu has been announced by Club Zodiac as Sheebah Karungi's replacement having fallen victim of one Charles Kazibwe aka Ranks' cons. It is believed that Ranks was extorting money from unsuspecting individuals telling them of how he could get the "Tunywe" singer perform at their functions.

At last, Police reportedly discharged Sheebah of the fraud charges after she proved not guilty. Ranks on the other hand is being held custody for conning promoters using a fake Team No Sleep receipt book.

Club Zodiac has offered the contract to dancehall/pop star Cindy to perform at their grand re-opening party—since Ranks had already received money Sheebah was to be paid to perform at the Grand Opening of Lumumba Av. based club.

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