T.I. Solves The Mystery Of Whether Or Not Meek Mill + Nicki Minaj Are Engaged

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T.I. Solves The Mystery Of Whether Or Not Meek Mill + Nicki Minaj Are Engaged
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Nicki Minaj nearly broke Instagram last month when she posted a picture wearing a heart-shaped diamond ring on her ring finger.

The post sparked rumors that Nicki and beau Meek Mill were engaged, but as Meek told Fader for the magazine’s 2015 June/July Issue, he and Nicki aren’t engaged — yet. “It’s definitely real,” Meek told Fader of his relationship with Nicki, “but it ain’t really time to get married yet. We’re still learning from each other, feeling each other out.”

Meek’s Fader cover story also includes a bit about T.I. congratulating Meek on what seemed like his engagement, to which Meek responded, “I ain’t engaged.” T.I. then offered his two cents on the matter.

“You never asked her, ’Will you be my girlfriend?’ But she is your girlfriend,” T.I. told Meek. “You may not have asked her, ’Will you marry me?’ But you are engaged.”

That’s a wrap, people! T.I. has officially solved the mystery of whether or not Meek and Nicki are engaged by simply telling Meek that he is engaged. For the record, Meek’s response to that was a shrug of the shoulders.

Read More Here

[h/t : VH1]

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