Salvador Patrick Idiringi Goes On Holiday To Dubai.

After a successful show Patrick Idiringi takes his team to dubai for vacation.

Salvador Patrick Idiringi Goes On Holiday To Dubai.
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The man from mbokolo Patrick idiringi is one of, if not the best captivating and ridiculously brilliant comics in Uganda

Following  an undeniable successful comedy show at Serena Hotel last week June 2, comedian Patrick Salvador Idringi has left for Dubai with his team for a vacation, after all men must rest after a long days work. 

Exicited out of his wits, patrick shared that he was leaving for Dubai, He wrote;

“So every body keeps on talking of Dubai Dubai Abu Dhabi simanyi Biki.. I think it’s high time I went there, let me experience my first Arab territory visit.. Thanks to the generosity of a brother and friend Olerndo.” – Patrick Idiringi

Salvador did not travel alone, he rounded up his mates and fellow comedians among them Alex Muhangi.


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