Cindy and Phina At War Again Over Ken Muyisa!

We have learnt that Cindy last week beat up fellow singer; Phina Mugerwa Masanyalaze scratched her face, pulled her hair and warned her off her man, Ken.

Cindy and Phina At War Again Over Ken Muyisa!
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The fight for Ken Muyisa’s boneless muscle in his pants is taking a new twist! Howwe.Biz has received reports that Phina Mugerwa and Cindy fought recently at “Da Boss” bar.

According to the rumor, Police has even gone ahead to issue warrant of arrest to Cindy after she attacked Phina.

We have learnt that Cindy last week beat up fellow singer; Phina Mugerwa Masanyalaze scratched her face, pulled her hair and warned her off her man, Ken.

Bruised Phina Mugerwa then rushed to Kabalagala police where she reported the case against Cindy.

By the end of yesterday, Howwe snoops reached at Kabalagala Police where it is said the case was reported but no file was found.

Meanwhile, alternative sources claim that Police is now on a hunt for the singer who is apparently in hiding.

We will keep you updated.

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