Komuntale's Ex Husband Hooks Up A Less Attractive Nigerian Babe

Christopher Thomas, former husband to Tooro Kingdom Princess Ruth Komuntale has hooked a yet to be identified babe who hails from Nigeria.

Komuntale's Ex Husband Hooks Up A Less Attractive  Nigerian Babe
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Christopher revealed the Nigerian babe when he posted the pictures on his official Facebook page. In the pictures, they all seemed to be into each other.

The picture tells it all...they are in loveThe picture tells it all…they are in love

According to a reliable source, Christopher admitted that he is much happier and having lots fun without the Tooro Princess.

Chris and the new Nigerian loverChris and the new Nigerian lover

The Source further revealed that that the couple has been dating since January and that most of the posted pictures were taken on Valentine’s Day.

She is the replacement for Tooro Kingdom princess Ruth KomuntaleShe is the replacement for Tooro Kingdom princess Ruth Komuntale

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