Singer Moses Ssali aka Bebe Cool is involved in a bitter war with Europe based Ugandan disc jockey, DJ Erycom.
Also Read: Bebe Cool And Dj Erycom Go To War Over Attack On M7
Apparently, the war is taking a new twist as DJ Erycom released a video claiming that Bebe Cool’s mother Samalie is in the USA cleaning Old people’s bums for money:
Here is the caption to the video: “So, BEBE COOL dissed Ugandans working abroad
forgetting that his own mother has also spent over a decade looking after old people in Boston USA.Kindly mind your business and let others be...OK
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Dj Erycom Dissing Bebe CoolBebe CoolDj ErycomUganda celebrityUganda gossipUganda entertainmentUganda showbiz