Zuena Kirema Finally Gives Birth To A Baby Boy

Congratulations to the Bebe Cool's family! The couple has received a new baby boy into their family

Zuena Kirema Finally Gives Birth To A Baby Boy
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Bebe Cool's wife Zuena Kimera has given birth to a bouncing baby boy....Yes, it's been a long time of waiting!

‪‎According to sources, She‬ gave birth about two hours ago in the United States where she has been for close to four months. Many followers of the Gagamel Phamily had been worried about their Queen not giving birth.

However, Proud baby daddy, Bebecool took to his facebook page to share the goodnews with a photo of Zuena on a hospital bed captioned:

"Thanks for your prayers my beautiful wife has given birth to a cute little boy. Thank you Allah.''

At Howwe.Biz we say congratulations to the Ssali family.

We shall keep you updated

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