Man Arrested for Extorting Ugx 600,000 from 7 Prisoners Held for Being Part of a Muslim Extremist Group

Kilalira convinced relatives of the suspects to give him 2 million Ugandan Shillings, 600,000/= of which was paid through Mobile Money. The remaining balance of 1.4 million was yet to be paid when the police arrested him.

Man Arrested for Extorting Ugx 600,000 from 7 Prisoners Held for Being Part of a Muslim Extremist Group
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Police in Luwero are holding a fraudster accused of extorting over six hundred thousand Ugandan shillings from 7 Muslims arrested for operating as extremists.

The fraudster, Adam Kilalira, a resident of Makerere Kikoni zone in Kampala was reportedly demanding 2 million shillings in order to secure police bonds for the victims.

The inmates were reportedly preaching and recruiting people including women and children into radical Islam at Walusi Hill at Kireku village in Luwero district.

They include; Isah Kisinja who had lived on the hill for close to 13 years, Muwada Kyambadde, Abdul-Rahman Mudde, Mubarak Lubuulwa, Shafik Kazibwe, and Masturah Nakyeyune.

Police and the Military arrested the seven at Luwero Central Police Station and evicted 70 new converts on June 23 from the camp where they were living in tents and huts close to a cave.

They were only released on Monday, July 04 after spending weeks in custody while the new Muslim converts spent a night at the local mosque before being relocated to their homes.

While in custody, the suspects were approached by  Kilalira, who promised to secure their bonds at a fee.

Kilalira convinced relatives of the suspects to give him 2 million Ugandan Shillings, 600,000/= of which was paid through Mobile Money. The remaining balance of 1.4 million was yet to be paid when the police arrested him.

Luwero District Kadhi Ramadhan Mulindwa says Kilalira also called him claiming he was a relative who needed money to give Policemen to secure the release of the suspects.

Luwero District Police Commander Living Twazagye says that Kilalira is in custody while investigations into the matter are ongoing.

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