Pakwach District officials arrested for misappropriating government fund

Two officials of Pakwach District Local Government have been arrested on the orders of Pakwach Resident District Commissioner Paul Eseru for alleged abuse of office. 

Pakwach District officials arrested for misappropriating government fund
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Two officials of Pakwach District Local Government have been arrested on the orders of Pakwach Resident District Commissioner Paul Eseru for alleged abuse of office. 

They include the former senior assistant secretary Mary Anena Racheal and the former senior assistant accountant Frank Odoma of Pakwach sub-county.

The officials have been serving at the sub-county until last month when they were transferred to the district headquarters under unclear circumstances. 
They were arrested on Monday evening on the orders of Eseru over allegations of misappropriating funds from the sub-county accounts.

Eseru says he sanctioned their arrests after he discovered that project retention funds worth 16.3 million shillings were missing from the three sub-county accounts namely the General fund account, development account, and UWA revenue sharing account.

Pakwach sub-county local government has been undertaking five projects under the District Discretional Equalization Grant (DDEG) program. Some of the projects include the construction of two VIP pit latrines, sub-county headquarters fencing project among others.

The Sub County Chairperson of Pakwach sub-county, Cephas Gwoktho says that the arrest of the officials will act as a deterrent measure to curtail the financial indiscipline among public servants in the district.

Currently, the two officers are being held at Pakwach Central Police Station pending further investigations by the police.

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