Kampala Parents School Uphold PLE Top Performance

Parents of Kampala Parents School overjoyed with their children's perform in the recently released PLE results.

Kampala Parents School Uphold PLE Top Performance
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Parents and guardians across the country whose children sat for Primary Leaving Examination (PLE) are busy picking or analyzing their children’s performance after Uganda National Examination Board released the national exams on Tuesday.

Some pupils did well and are a joy of the parents who spent their hard earned monies to pay fees while others are in grief. Such is life. However parents of Kampala Parents School are over the moon after the school’s Primary Seven candidates all passed in first and second grade.

No pupil at Kampala Parents School failed, a feat you can’t take for granted considering that 82973 pupils failed and were ungraded out of 620,825 candidates who sat for PLE in Uganda last year. With such a performance, Kampala Parents School continues to be a trend setter in Uganda’s primary education.

At Kampala Parents School continues, 258 pupils sat for the primary leaving examinations, 178 pupils passed in first grade while the remaining 80 pupils passed in second grade. The school principal attributed this performance to the quality of teachers, relationship with parents and hard work of teachers and pupils

“Dr. Sudhir has provided everything that a child needs to study and excel. We have also got qualified teachers who love what they do. As a school we work together with our teachers, parents and pupils to see that our children do well in and out of class,” stated school principal Daphne Kato, when asked on the trick the school uses to perform excellently.

James Makada, head of SST department, acknowledged that teachers worked hard and finished the syllabus in second term something that enabled them to use third term to revise and prepare pupils for the final examinations.

This year we want to do better than last year and we have a plan to achieve this target. We plan to plan to finish the syllabus in time so that we have enough time to revise.” Makada, who was issuing results to parents, said of this year’s target.

Situated along Lugogo by pass, Kampala Parents School owned by Ruparelia Group, has an enrolment of over 3000 pupils with 130 well trained teachers and over 150 non-teaching staff members and facilities tailored to enable pupils learn and excel in life.

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