Hon. Proscovia Alengot discontinued from Uganda Christian University

Instead of teaming up with her group mates to do course work and for discussions. She instead paid them off and apparently, this flippant behavior has caught up with the youngest, hip Member of Parliament.

Hon. Proscovia Alengot discontinued from Uganda Christian University
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When toddlers, a lot of relatives, especially uncles who always pretended to care a lot about our education as kids, always asked a question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”. And as kids, answers flew in from all corners of the mind. “I want to be a lawyer, no, a driver” while others went “I want to be an MP when I grow up”.  And now we are at campus, where we are supposed to fulfill all those dreams but instead, we are chocking on retakes, our dreams, shattered whenever we look at our results.

Our minds wonder in different directions, a reason most of us have been adoring age mates like the 19-year-old Usuk MP, Honorable Proscovia Alengot . We used to admire her because we thought she was a very organized lady; honestly juggling a ministerial post and education doesn’t seem light, does it?. We thought she was a principled soul who managed all she had to do by according the right amount of time to whatever activity she engages herself into there by accomplishing all her tasks until recently, when our snoops bumped into a document indicating her discontinuation from the Mukono based University.

For starters, Hon. Proscovia Alengot who is currently Uganda’s youngest Member of Parliament is a student of UCU offering a Degree in Mass Communication in her second year.

Campusbee confirms that she was discontinued over failing to accord the right amount of time to her school activities as she accumulated a myriad of retakes, rarely attended lectures and when she did, her minds were far, thinking about the choice of lodge to meet with her MP boyfriends (or sugar daddy friends).

Instead of teaming up with her group mates to do course work and for discussions. She instead paid them off and apparently, this flippant behavior has caught up with the youngest, hip Member of Parliament.

She was discontinued from further studies by the Head of the Mass Communication Department, Dr. Monica Chibita. Close pals to Alengot intimated Campusbee that Dr. Chibita summoned Alengot to her office to guide and counsel her but it all turned into a heated argument.

“She thought she was privileged to the way she conducted her studies because she was doing state work only for the truth to be shoved in her face that she had been given a dead year which translated as a discontinuation to most of the students around,” a close friend to the Honarable told the Buzzing Campusbee.

Eye witnesses reveal that Alengot proudly quarreled and insulted the Dr. Chibita but she stood by her word, she vowed never to change her decision.

Efforts to contact Alengot were futile since she refused to pick up our calls.
campus bee
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