A Pass Continues…. Begs Flavia Tumusiime For A Kiss On Social Media

A Pass’ horniness takes a new twist, Wuuyo Singer begs Flavia a Kiss in a cryptic message on social media

A Pass Continues…. Begs Flavia Tumusiime For A Kiss On Social Media
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Shocking things will never cease to happen in Uganda showbiz industry. Yesterday, a reggae and Dance hall artiste, A Pass shocked fans when he took to his social media page, Facebook, and confessed how he loves Flavia from her lips to her thighlands.

“I love you Tumusiime Flavia, I have loved you from day 1. I am sorry I had to say it here but it is the only way I could do it to get your attention #ILoveYou, Do you think it’s cool to confess or express your love for someone on social media?#DontYouWantMeBaby.”

Download: A Pass's - “Don't You Want Me Baby” | MP3 Download

Also Read: WELP?! . . . A Pass Confesses Undying Love For Beauty Goddess Tumusiime Flavia On Social Media

However what seemed as a shock post has now turned into a daily love confession! The 24 year old singer is believed to have intimated to close pals that his head over hills in love with the 30 year old TV presenter.

Today, A Pass again took to his social media and begged Flavia a kiss.

#‎GiveMeAKiss ‪#‎IWantToShowYou
I believe you know it's A PASS Talking To you.
So Don't have any doubts Baby
I love you from Am To Pm. ‪#‎AmToPm
There is no limit to the amount of love our hearts can contain, so why not add you a little more? 💚😍❤❤😍💚 I know your hearts a mess and it makes no sense to be like this. ‪#‎IamSoDesperateToConnect ‪#‎WouldYouGiveMeAKissMyLove
This song is not for everyone it's yours baby

A Pass’ Dedication: - “Give Me A Kiss” | MP3 Download

Meanwhile, many observers believe A Pass has used Flavia Tumusiime’s name to market his two recent songs that are trending on Howwe Music. Though their argument carries sense, it should be noted singer A Pass recently confessed on radio, Galaxy FM of how he was dumped by girlfriend.

Also Read: Poor A Pass!!! — Singer Struggles In Love, Girlfriend Dumps Him For Another Man!

Whether A Pass is using Flavia as his marketing tool or not, our highly placed sources say, A Pass has bed room intentions on Flavia.

Watch this space

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