How It Went Down: Hiphop For Society 2016

The sentiments by Onen summarize the mood at the end of yet another successful event organized by Breakdance Project Uganda (BPU).

How It Went Down: Hiphop For Society 2016
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“I am having fun meeting new people, fresh faces and learning a lot about art and culture,” said Mathius Onen at the end of the 9th annual HipHop For Society event organized by Breakdance Project Uganda on Sunday at Sharing Youth Centre, Nsambya.

“Hiphop is really inspiring when it is packaged like this, especially with so many youth who are so talented and vibrant.”

The sentiments by Onen summarize the mood at the end of yet another successful event organized by Breakdance Project Uganda (BPU).

Yet again, the event was a mix of entertaining dance, rap and beat-boxing performances, competitions, and educational workshops and talks by partnering NGOs.

“When one sees people from all walks of life in one place, sharing together and cooperating, it is amazing. I attend the Breakdance Project Uganda events because they are youthful and so full of energy and also because most of my friends are involved in the breakdancing and rap,” said Henry Newman.

The year’s theme was cooperation, and it attracted a mixed crowd of different ages, races, economic, cultural and educational backgrounds. Not only did Hiphop For Society entertain the crowd, but it gave people an opportunity to network and learn from each other.

“The most important part of this event is not hiphop,” explained Abramz Tekya, Founder and Director of Breakdance Project Uganda. “We want to make sure people get access to information. We partner with organizations that youth do not think are cool, because they are important for development.”

“This has been a wonderful experience for the children. The children love it and training was just awesome with people like Nina [Breakdance Project Uganda member] helping a great deal,” said Nichole Zweigler, Save Street Children Uganda volunteer.

“We are so grateful for the opportunity to have been given a table in the tent, because we got to talk to a lot of people about what we do and the response was generally good. On top of the entertainment, there are great forces going on here.

For example, there is energy, communication, more action, and so many new people from different cultures with different experiences to share. Everyone is happy or just having a good time and this kind of environment is important to our children. The kids like it here.” Zweigler added.

Sharing hall was filled to capacity for the annual Hiphop For Society, which presented a mix of entertainment and eduction. The theme was cooperation, and it gave people an opportunity to network and learn from each other.

Check out #HH4S2016 on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook to see live coverage of the event.


  • Free workshops and teaching by Bgirl Teresa from Sweden (dance), Street Lights Uganda (craft-making), Educate! (entrepreneurship), Capoeira Senzala (capoeira), The U.S. Embassy Information Resource Centre, etc.;
  • Breakdance battles: kids, Bonnie & Clyde (male-female teams), and 5-on-5;
  • Beatboxing: performances by incredible BPU-trained youth & young-adults;
  • Rap performances by St. Nellysade, Snooty Fredo, Sylvester and Abramz, Zulu Nation and others;
  • Dance performances by: Save Street Children Uganda & EWAKA, People Concern Children’s Project, Flawsome crew of bgirls from BPU, and many cyphers (freestyle dance) by BPU members


  • Kids: Bboy Ivan from BPU Gulu branch and Bboy Hassan from BPU Kampala
  • Bonnie & Clyde: Drichiru Key and Naganzwa Eric Sama
  • 5-on-5: BPU bboys Eric ‘Fullmoon’ Egesa, ‘Mosh Kakole’ Moses, Abdudallah Latif, Kyasi Smith and Kamya Michael
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