Manny Pacquiao Builds Houses For The Poor, As Floyd Mayweather Spending Millions On Strippers

Boxer cum politician, Manny Pacquiao, has built over a thousand houses for poor Philippines in his locality where he is a congressman.

Manny Pacquiao Builds Houses For The Poor, As Floyd Mayweather Spending Millions On Strippers
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The world boxer cum politician, Manny Pacquiao, has built over a thousand houses for the poor in his constituency in Philippines where he server a congressman.

The Millionaire boxing champion, who is also a born-again Christian posted the below picture and and the below text on his facebook wall.

I’m so happy giving this houses free to my constituents in Sarangani Province from my own pocket more than thousand families are the beneficiaries. and i’m still building more because i always believe what the bible says; 1 Peter 4:8-10 NIV

[8] Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. [9] Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. [10] Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. Thank you Lord for everything even some people are criticizing me but I’m still happy because you live in me.

This kind gesture reminds me what is boxing  African-American  counterpart, Floyd Mayweather, is report to have said some time ago that Africa has done him nothing to donate to Africa.

This has sparked an old age question as to why there are always big differences between the way a man with white skin reason compared to the way a man with black skin thinks and acts.

Floyd Mayweather is spending millions of dollars on prostitutes and strip girls right in his house,  

Social media claims, if we should have ten of Manny’s type in each of the African countries, our continent will be heaven by now!

What do you think? Should social media be dictating Personal finance discipline?

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